Again in Bombay. Seva had stared in the evening. In the day time, Guruji moved out along with His Shishyas to visit some families as per Guruji, where His physical presence was necessary.
Just after the sunset hundreds of people gathered at Veerji’s house, where Guruji had opened Sthan. So Guruji started calling people one by one and cured them instantly. To some, He would send to His Shishyas who were precisely guided by Him to do Seva in other rooms.
Sandeep Sethi & I were attending people jointly in one room. A young parsi couple came and said that Guruji had sent them to us. Sandeep Sethi asked the boy about their problem and he refered to his wife who had her leg bent at a certain degree. She suffered and could not be cured by any doctor though six years had passed and many treatments had failed. Her leg didn’t straighten and she limped while walking.
Hearing this, Sandeep Sethi made her sit in a chair and simply said, ‘Straighten your leg’. She said, that was not possible at all. A little pressure would result in an unbearable pain. Hearing this, Sandeep Sethi got angry and applied a forcible kick under her leg– and the leg straightened. — Unbelievable..!
He and she got stunned. Sandeep and I were in an unimaginable high plane. We looked at each other and were over joyed. We could not digest the truth that her six years bent leg was straightened and the surgery conducted was a soccer kick. We went to Guruji and explained what had happened.
Guruji smiled and said, “This is the way to worship God, it’s a direct devotion. God in that girl got relief from ‘His’ knee joint problem. ‘He’ is happy with you, “Jaao jo marzi mein aaye, karo” (Go and do whatever you like).
What an authority was given to us–: “Do what ever you want”
sab ko theek kar do (cure each and every one)
So far I have seen and understood the world, such an authority is unprecedented & unmatched, but will I ever know ‘Him’, who is the giver of such, un told authority?
Wah !
Guruji, aap hi aap hein. –Sirf aap–.
Aap ko hazaaron–lakhon pranaams–Sahib ji !