It was winter and the roads were slippery owing to the snow that had melted.
It was night time and my cousin and I were home returning from the shopping mall. I was driving fast, and I took a circular exit ramp (with speed limit posted at 25 miles per hour) going about 80-85 mph.
The car skid, and went off the ramp, rolled over 2-4 times, and somehow managed to land on its wheels. I quickly got out of the leveled car and first checked to see if my cousin was alright. He was fine, and somehow he did not even have a scratch on him. Despite the horrific state of the car I only got a few cuts on my head, but all in all I was fine.
I was later informed that the accident was so bad that on the driver’s side, the roof of the car was touching the steering wheel, and that everything in the car was pretty much destroyed.
It was only then that I realized that it was Gurudev’s blessings that we were able to survive such a horrendous crash relatively unhurt. And there have been many instances, some less while some more severe than the one mentioned above that I know Gurudev’s blessings have sailed me through.
Jai Gurudev Jai Guru-Mata