Guruji – is not just a word but world for us. In my family we are 3 sisters and my mother, I am the youngest one. We all are married and happily settled in our lives. My mother stays alone in her house. In early 2012, my mom shared with us, the pain in her right pelvis while walking and at times standing for few hours. Since she stays alone, she has to manage the entire house on her own, without any external help in the form of maid, she wants it in this way. Since my father was in Air-force, she was eligible for the medical assistance at Army Base Hospital, but she was not having the card (necessary to get treatment).
She wanted someone to help her in getting this card and Guruji sent a family (uncle currently serving in Police) to stay on 3rd floor in the same building where my mom stays. He helped her and finally with Guruji’s blessings she got the card In June, 2012. By this time the pain was on its high and the situation was that she couldn’t even stand for more than 10 minutes. In spite of all this, she was still managing her routine and then she went to see a doctor at Army Base Hospital at Delhi Cant on 18th September, 2012. None of us accompanied her as it was her first visit to the hospital. I called her up in the afternoon to know what doctor said and she said something which took my breath away – doctor told her that she is having a tumor, CHONDROSARCOMA.
Our whole world came to stand still. The struggle started from here. Guruji sent few people who traveled with us in this journey. The first spot was Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Hospital to ascertain whether the tumor is cancerous or not. I could see the losing expression on my mom’s face, she couldn’t believe that this can happen to her, neither could we.
As we were going through the process of tests (where a part of tumor is taken out through surgery for testing), there was a strong belief that when Guruji is there “this too shall pass without much harm” to us. Next bada veervar came and we took mom to Gurgaon sthan. Guruji promised my mom that she will be fit and fine without undergoing any surgery. Since then there was no looking back. All the tests indicated that tumor is not malignant and for the final doctor’s word I went to Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai which is known for bone tumors and cancers. There I met Dr. Puri, and felt he is none other than our Guruji. The way he listened to our issue, checked all reports, get the retests done in their laboratory on priority basis, I knew that it is our Guruji who came in form of Dr. Puri to guide us. He explained that this tumor does not possess any threat to my mom’s life, hence we don’t need to go for any surgery. He explained that this tumor may affect the quality of her life but only to a very small extent. She needs to be extra careful towards her movement. We got free from hospital in just 2 hours where we thought that we are going to spend our whole day. During this phase I could feel Guruji’s presence around me, I could feel him showing me the path holding my hand. With Guruji’s kripa my mom is living her life in same way as it was before this incidence!!
Jai Gurudev!!!
Guruji is present around us in many ways…pls bless us n make our life happy🙏🏻Guruji’s blessings r there for us
No one is disappointed when they come to Guruji. With gentle care, loving and subtle presence, He absorbs all our troubles, always leaving us with smiles and granting respite, blessing us with solutions.
Thank You, mere Guruji, for Your aseem kripa on all !