Jai Gurudev,
I was not lucky or blessed enough to see Guruji in his physical form. But sure I am blessed & lucky to feel his powers.
In around 1993-94, my father developed some weakness in his feet.He couldn’t stand or put on shoes etc. on his own as felt no power in legs & feet.We showed him around all doctors & got all sorts of tests done. But there was no improvement.
Than someone told about powers & healing of Guruji & asked my father to be taken to Papa ji (Sekhri Guruji) at Punjabi Bagh Sthaan. On seeing my father Papaji asked him to start walking next morning in the Park. My father said He can’t even get up. Papa ji blessed my father & gave some supari to be consumed & my father has been able to walk again after that.
Since than all our family has strong belief in powers & blessings of Guruji & I have felt Guruji to be with me whenever I need him the most.There has been many instances in life since than where Guruji has sailed me and my family through.
Jai Gurudev & Jai GuruMa
Rajiv Goel, 257,Ambika Vihar, (Paschim Vihar), New Delhi 110087 INDIA Tel 25259103, Fax 91 11 25261103, email [email protected], Cell 20051971