Guruji entered the field with the garden tool in His hand and instructed me to take off the shoes before entering the plantation.
It was Shivratri days.
We all had been there at Gurgaon in the total refuge of Guru dev. The day of Shivratri was awaited by the Shishyas and devotees who had started coming from all around the country and abroad. All observe fast and wait to take the prasad of potatoes after midnight. Potatoes are supposed to be of the utmost and high importance during this festival. The plantation had been pre planned and now was the time to dig and get the potatoes from the mother earth.
Guruji commanded me to accompany Him to the farm to start digging and getting the yield. We reached the farm and Guruji entered the field with the garden tool in His hand and instructed me to take off the shoes before entering the plantation. I had never experienced that the shoe have to be taken off while entering the crop fields. For the sake of Guru Gyan, I enquired the reason of entering the field bare footed.
Guruji said, you need nothing ordinary but the potatoes, which are going to make the highest form of prasaad, “The Shivratri prasaad ”. You require the best by virtue of its divine qualities and the quantity. Thereby you must show your best regards to the mother, the mother earth. Taking off the shoes before interacting with the mother shall prove that you are respectful and humble.—Now, you are going to witness for your self the result of your act. And so it was seen by myself, the yield of potatoes was superb. They were big size and very beautiful by apparent looks. The quantity was also more than expected, much more than a farmer can expect. If some intellect comes across this mention, he may consider me as an orthodox. But I wish, he contacts me for an elaborate discussion for the benefit of a spiritual evolution, a little ahead of the worldly wisdom.