Guruji said, “Beta, jab tak tumhaare haath mein mera Kada hai, tumhein maut nahin aayegi” isse kabhi nahin utaarna”.
People in the world, buy them and wear it by themselves to decorate their arms. It is popular without referring to any particular custom or a sect. Females wear Gold, Silver or other precious metals and they call it “Choodi- bangle- kangan or bracelet”.
At certain religious places, like Gurudwaras, the devotees buy the steel Kada and wear it by themselves.
But the Kada which Guruji designed is heard for the first time. With specific instructions from the super master, people get it made from Copper and join the ends with Silver. In certain problematic conditions, some are instructed to get it made from Copper & Silver in two halfs and bring it to Guruji for blessings.
Guruji holds it in His hand, touches it with His divine forehead and blesses it with the powers of Bhagwan Shiv, Ma Shakti and Ganpati. And then puts it in the devotee’s right hand. But to females, in their left hand.
It establishes a link between Guruji and the devotee all twenty four hours. It is therefore emphasized not to remove it even when one goes to the bathroom etc. A special instruction is to remove it on the occasions of visiting places where birth or death has occurred recently. The mark up period for such instruction is minimum 21 days. Before entering such premises it must be shifted to the other hand. Or it should be placed at Sthaan if one is at home before visiting such places.
As Guruji says, he empowers the Kada with the super powers of Bhagwan Shiv in the Copper and the powers of Ma Shakti in Silver along with the powers of Lord Ganpati as well. Half Copper & half Silver Kada is blessed by Guruji, especially when some one is distressed due to financial setbacks besides other worldly problems. The way Guruji’s Kada works is really incomprehensible. It is well known that forty percent of the problems are terminated just at the time one wears it, but with faith.
In the late 70’s when I visited Gurgaon to have Guruji’s darshans, I was accompanied quite often by my friend, Deep Shahi (brother of my wife Gulshan Sekhri). Deep also was a spiritual person. He also wore Guruji’s Kada but was not a regular visitor, may be due to lack of the required level of faith. Once he suffered from a heart attack and was admitted in Kapur hospital, Pusa Road. Since I loved him very much, I went to Guruji and pleaded for his recovery. I also succeeded in making Guruji agree to visit the hospital with me to bless him. And so we reached the hospital. It was not usual that Guruji would visit hospitals.
As I entered his room and found him lying on the bed, I called out with great joy and said, “Deep, look who has come !” He immediately got up and fell at the holy feet of Guruji and then sat on the floor with great enthusiasm. He said, “Guruji, I love my wife very much and I don’t want to die”.
On hearing this, Guruji said, “Beta, jab tak tumhaare haath mein mera Kada hai, tumhein maut nahin aayegi” isse kabhi nahin utaarna”. (Beta, the death will never come to you till my Kada is in your hand. Never remove it).
After staying in hospital for some days, Deep recovered and came back home. It went on like normal and he continued to live a regular life along with his wife and his so called younger brother & his wife.
The younger brother’s wife was carrying and therefore had registered herself in Irwin hospital for medical check ups. As per schedule they all were driving to reach the hospital for a general medical check up of the brother’s wife. While on way and about 10 minutes away from the hospital, Deep felt some suffocation. He complained this to his wife who comforted him saying that they were quite near to the hospital and shall get him medically checked up in a few minutes. But the uneasiness further escalated and he accused his wife for not listening and understanding him. Another 2 minutes passed and Deep lost control on himself. He looked at his Kada and angrily said, “This Kada appears to be too much heavy and i am unable to bear it’s weight”. His wife tried to console him and requested him to wait for some more time as they were very close to the hospital. Her advise resulted in aggravating his anger and he took off the Kada from his hand saying that his bad condition must be due to this Kada and threw it away. He became normal and comfortable after that. He closed his eyes and rested in the car seat as if he was sleeping.
They reached the hospital and rushed to the emergency ward for Deep’s condition. He was attended upon by a team of doctors, but it was too late. The doctors declared him dead.
On his brother’s phone call, I rushed to the hospital to see the doctors doing their last efforts to revive him using the electric shocks and the chest pumping techniques etc. I was not convinced with the doctors’ announcement since I remembered Guruji’s words a few months back, “Death will never come to you till my Kada is in your hand”.
I leaned on him and called him. When he didn’t answer back, I looked at his hand and found the Kada missing. I asked his wife who related me the whole story of what happened in the car and the way he had thrown away the Kada angrily. So the Kada was not there in his hand.
The words of Guruji, echoed in my ears and in the middle of my head. (“Beta, death will never come to you till my Kada is in your hand. Never remove it”).
I am too much fortunate and blessed to sing the glory of Guruji. Also to sing the glory of “Kada”.
Barambaar Pranaams Hey Gurudev.
I wanted one kada how can I get it?
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Guruji apko mera pranam, Mujhe bhi apki ashirvad ke saath apki di hui kada chahiye
I want guru g kdaa
Aap kisi bhi Sthaan ko contact kar k, (Sthaan contact details provided on this website), kada pehan lein.