This experience dates back to 14 August 2012.
Pranam Guruji and Mataji. Had an overwhelming experience during my pregnancy and would like to share it with all of you. Had been suffering from severe gastro stroke, loose motions and vomitting since a week. There was no food or water retention in the body and hence had visited my Gynaecologist multiple times to seek medical support.
Nothing seemed to work. So much so that I could barely sit or stand and was just lying down with pain in the stomach, heavy headedness and drowsiness. Went to work but had to come back midway. Was totally exhausted and frustrated thinking about what the baby in my womb must be going through.
Had MahaShivratri Jal, neem ke patte etc also but was not getting any relief. Then it so happened that in the evening I was reading the Volume 4 of Glimpses and read the story of how Guruji cured Punchu Ma of her fracture and another lady had an open surgery. It gave me immense faith and strength and belief that surely I have done something drastically wrong for Guruji to punish me like this. I prayed hard to Guruji to pls make me realise my mistake so that I never repeat it, to forgive me for my wrong and to cure me that night.
Just then I remembered that I had said I would light a diya in front of our Kul Devta on Sunday but had forgotten anad so did that in the night. Before sleeping, again I had a strong vomitting sensation, completely constipated with the gastro. Was totally drained out of energy when I went to sleep with just a very strong prayer in my heart reaching out to Guruji and touched the kada to my forehead.
Suddenly, a little beyond midnight, I had a very strong pain in my stomach again. This time my soul just screamed out “Gurudev, Gurudev, Gurudev” and I went to the bathroom. I gave a loud scream and just puked out something very strange. It was not food, not water, there were some reddish clots but not blood. Around 6 to 7 of them.
I panicked and called my husband…he came, saw and said it’s not blood and just went back to sleep. I could not understand his behaviour as normally he is always there with me when I have any problem but this time he just went back and slept (as though Guruji did not want him around). I just stood there wondering what it was. Suddenly I realised that the soreness inside my stomach had disappeared. There was no pain!!!! I understood that Guruji had removed the sore points of my tummy which were hurting and troubling me and thanked him profusely.
Came back and lied down but still didn’t feel completely comfortable. Again, I prayed to Guruji that pls cure me completely Guruji. I felt as if he was touching my stomach and blessing it with love. I looked around but could not see him but I am sure I felt it. Then I closed my eyes and I could sense him standing next to me in his absolute whiteness smiling down at me. He was stroking my stomach and then I put forward my forehead and felt he blessed me and said “Le Putt“.
I felt completely relieved and overwhelmed!! Immediately I fell asleep. Again, I got up after a few hours and felt the need to go to the washroom. This time I was not constipated but felt as if all the dirt was coming out of my body in the form of loose motions. Suddenly from constipation I had reached loose motions! When I got up in the morning, I was absolutely fine. I prayed to Guruji to enlighten me where I had gone wrong, did get a couple of answers which I decided to immediately rectify and never repeat.
Thank you sooo much Gurudev for making us realise and repent for our mistakes and then forgiving and relieving us of the pain and repurcussions. That night was a miraculous experience for me…it was not a mere dream…it was all Real!! Thank you so much for being kind and caring with us, pls continue to shower your love and blessings on us always and forgive us for our wrongs.
Pranam Guruji.
Prerna Singh (Mumbai)
[Name changed on request]
Jai gurudev
jai guru dev
jai guru g
jai gurudev
Jai Gurudev Ji
Jai guru dev
Amazing!! Jai Gurudev!!
Jai Gurudev Ji peri pena
jai gurudev